Monday, February 13, 2012

Now Is the Summer of Our Discontent

"Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this sun of York;
And all the clouds that lour'd upon our house
In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.
Now are our brows bound with victorious wreaths;
Our bruised arms hung up for monuments;
Our stern alarums changed to merry meetings,
Our dreadful marches to delightful measures."

Richard III

The months from November to March really do their best to kick me in the ass (or punch me in the nose, take whichever Breaking Glass lyric suits you better). It always seems like everything stinks just a little bit more and I know why I feel this way, it's not a big mystery why these months bring me down, it's because I hate cold weather and I hate Christmas and I hate snow and I hate icy roads and I hate not being able to feel my toes for 5 months. So there.

Of course, like an idiot, I've lived my entire life in the middle of this Great Country of Ours, places where it's really cold in the winter and really fucking hot & humid in the summer a lot, too, thank you very much. Why didn't I ever move to somewhere like California or Arizona? Who the hell knows? A great man once said, "I am the most capricious zephyr, blown upon the wind I know not where." That about sums it up, I think.

Plus there's less light this time of year, and when I had a job, it really didn't help my disposition to wake up when it's pitch black outside, and drive home when it was already dark, that lack of sunlight disorder sure feels like it's real to me. Bleh.

To top it off, I'm supposed to be writing something for a friend of mine and it's just not coming along the way I want it to, and I've been sick so I've been putting off fixing it, but now I'm feeling better so I REALLY need to go in and fix it, and my wife had some minor surgery on her hand, so of course it makes it difficult for her to help with the boys for another month or so, so yeah, Winter can just fuck right off.

There is reason for being positive though, since my cold cleared up and I was pretty productive this weekend, and I recently finished reading the Harry Potter books, which was good fun, all thanks to my local library. Mary Shelley's Frankhole came back on Cartoon Network a couple weeks ago and has been loads of laughs again, and we're inching ever closer to the day when baseball starts again and I can turn this blog into nearly daily bitching about the Cubs. Hooray!

Original blog entry title? "Winter can go fuck itself". I don't know, maybe I should've gone with that instead of trying to class this place up a bit.